holding hands
Foam forms a mere and fragile bubble at a time; the edges of a wave, the spilling of a beer. We were just curious about doing "stuff," so we asked those closest to us if we could do it together. Hand in hand, we discussed, and decided to pursue. In doing so, we put aside the restraints of definition. "She" is an individual, but an important and integral part of a whole. Hand remaining in hand, we ran towards a wall. A wall made of foam, and fell, softly, materializing.
desires to discover
The desire to discover new things is pressing. We are constantly warned to try something "new," explore domains foreign to our comfort, to be smarter, get to know ourselves, our strengths, weaknesses, and apathies - "life is too short!" and so on. The amount of learning one can possibly do is like an insurmountable wave. More importance should be given to how we discover. May as well splash in the bubbles.
We often laugh, sometimes with control and intention, and sometimes in ways that are unrestrained. In every project there are probably 10^5 "hehehe's," a dozen heart to hearts... and more than a few roasts.
waking up, slowly
People create things everyday. Something as simple as a memory later realizes itself as a commodity in a consistent squeeze for more. With a bottomless desire to slow it the fuck down, we don't promise any cadence of content.
would you like some?
We’re a group of friends, we make "things" and want to share them with you. We also want to remember them for a long time. We want to inspire others to remember their moments of self-expression, not only for themselves, but to pass down through generations. You deserve to be remembered.